Timmy gay xxx stories

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The pink hatted boy scowled at Norm but quickly grinned as an idea crept into his mind.

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Okay beaver boy, that leaves you with two more wishes and, if I can make a suggestion there, Armstrong, maybe you should use one of these rule free wishes to, I dunno, get laid? But if you decide to do something about those horrid buck teeth of yours, I’ll throw that in for free.” Norm’s bottle appeared in Timmy’s hands and Norm laughed at his befuddlement. “I dunno, it really looks like TWO DUDES HAVING GAY SEX ON YOUR COMPUTER, TIMMY TURNER!” “Stop saying gay porn, it’s straight porn! See, woman, man, vagina intercourse, not gay!” Timmy freaked out and tried again to stop him. “Wow, that’s some really GAY PORN you’re looking at! I’ve never seen so much GAY PORN in my life and believe me, I’ve seen a lot of GAY PORN!”

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Timmy tried to get him to stop but he just kept going. “Well, I was just in the neighborhood and I thought-hey! What’s that on your monitor? Is that GAY PORN?” the floating wish granter shouted. Startled, Timmy fell back over his chair while trying to stuff his erect dick back down his pants. Sitting in front of his computer, sixteen-year-old Timmy Turner was jacking it to some porn when, without warning, Norm the Genie poofed over his monitor.

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